Sunday, April 3, 2011


For this brief moment this ol' questioning skeptic has felt peace, calm, joy & faith.

    I'm just going to sit here & enjoy it. I'm going to silence my rambling mind. I'm sure soon, this feeling will blow away as a tissue in the wind. I have spent so long questioning & analyzing all the feeling & thoughts that jump into my head. "Oh, well that's just how the brain works. God is not involved. The Holy Ghost is not involved. The Man in the Moon is not involved. I just heard something that feels a nice song. It means nothing, or does it? Is it my brain firing off neurons or is it truly the spirit speaking to me?"

      Then I just keep tumbling down the rabbit hole. Questioning & judging & doubting & analyzing....round & round my mind goes.....It has become draining....this bullet train my sick brain has put me on.

        But for now I will allow myself to say...I felt the Holy Spirit. I'm not going to question right now but just enjoy it. Let it float me away to a place that has been lost to me for so long.