Friday, May 21, 2010

Stick a fork in me

I'm done!

I like to blame my bad days on the actual days. "Curse you Monday! You are rainy!" Grrr!! "Dang nab it Wednesday, you are so humpy!" Grrrrr!

I hate to place the blame on me or the kids or the dog or the always have to be the days.

Thursday...oh Thursday. Why you have to the kids like to say...hate'n? I just feel like I'm banging my head against the wall....& the red spot is getting bigger. I have issues with my kids. That's the nice thing to say. The real story is at sometimes, some kids are WACK! And done. I can't fix it. I can't fix them, I can't even fix breakfast anymore. Oh man I need a fix!

I have a kid I try to discipline & try to have their back at the same time. Yeah....that's a great combo! Well I had their back about something. We went over this nit picky crap their teacher was pulling. Got the whole story. Then proceeded to write a little note to her. I ended the note with a question. "Why do you have a 2x4 shoved in a place it shouldn't be?" No...I wish. I'm sassy...I ain't THAT sassy...only in my dreams! But I was stupid & ended the note with a question, so of course she calls me.

Uggg. I hate when teachers call. She explains her side of the story to me as I sit in silence. I didn't defend my child. Don't worry, it wasn't anything we needed to fix, it was just they were being "charged cash" for not turning in a form I had to sign....even though they still had 5 days before it HAD to be turned in. Yeah....little water torture techniques they hon in school.... is boring HOLES in my head!

So anyway, I didn't ask her questions. I just let her talk. Whatever, I just wanted to get back on FB. I had better things to do then listen to spin. After I got off the phone I was mad at myself. " didn't even ask her probing questions? Never defended the kid & say "give back their cash you meany mean head!" Oh no...I just said "ok, thanks for calling."


Oh but wait.

A few minutes later we discuss things w/ the Daddy & low & kid...LIED. Bold faced, straight up lied about what happened. (That was a slip on their part....opps, the cat I was beating in the bag, just stumbled out!") He never was charged $$. That happened to other kids. When we were discussing the stupid note to the teacher...the kid approved it & off it went.

Kid lied.

And I'm the fool. I can't do this. And to only gets worse. Great...can't wait.

So I have decided my kids will be better off without me. Oh sure, they will cry for about 2.7 minutes, but life will go on & they will be fine. FINE! Because if I stay here any longer...they will NOT be fine. So moms, if you feel like you need to get away...come on over. The crazy train will be pulling out of the station & heading out to....hummmmm where can we go? Where do mom's go when they run away? Hawaii? Bourbon Street? Fuji? St. Louis? The bar down by the tracks? My van...locked...parked down the street where they can't find me?

Ah screw it...I can't even run away correctly! Who allowed me to be a mother anyway?


Normal Mom said...

Someday he'll realize how good he has it with you for his mom. Then you can just smile and say, "No, I'm sorry, we don't have room for 30 year old children in our basement."
I don't know what to tell you though, I would want to run away if that happened here.
Oh, but wait! You are running away tonight, Mary will be there about 7 to pick you up! Hang on for just a few more precious hours!

Stacey said...

The reason it stresses you out is because....YOU ARE A GREAT MOM WHO CARES!! We should always give our kids the benefit of the doubt and assume they are telling the truth. If we find out they aren't then we should first beat them and then run away..just kidding. Just take comfort in knowing you are not alone. If you are in need of a getaway...I am there with you!

Mary said...

Sweetie, can I just tell you how cute your son is? Oh, you didn't want to hear that? Then I will just tell you how cute you are -- oh, yes you are in that lovely pink!

The Olsen Clan said...

I had to leave a comment to say THANK YOU. Every day I struggle with how terrible I can be in my ability to mother. Today was especially bad. I came across your blog and it made me sigh with relief and feel like "Hey, here is someone just like me. Maybe I'm not a complete shambles after all." You are so brave to write your feelings. My blog is a snore. I'm always pretending that everything is "JUST FINE". (sigh) Maybe someday I'll grow up. Thanks again!