Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So yaaaahhhhhh, I'm totally bang'n my head against the wall with this election. I am officially undecided. Some days (well most days) I feel like no matter what I do, nothing matters. This country is going to hell in a hand basket, so what's the point. Should I vote for dumb or dumber or throw away my vote in protest. . I mean realllyyyy... these 2 goons are the BEST we got?! How scary is that?!

Being as confused & beat down as I was, I decided to spend a beautiful, sunny fall day at the lovely Sugar Grove. They had a rock'n fall festival shaking up the prairie. Nature... Gods chill pill to us all. I enjoyed the wonder of the land. I left my troubled mind in my mini van. I just came to be. Not think, just be. Be apart of a little slice of prairie heaven. Fall is such a beautiful time. I looked around & a tear came to my eye as I smelled the campfire smoke, heard the children's sequels of joy. Every where around me was a harvest of beauty. Pumpkins, Red trees, apple cider, John McCain, blue grass music, birds...wait....John McCain? What the he#$?!

DUDE! Stop stalking me! Dam it! Can't I get away for just a freak'n minute! All I wanted was a little time away from the reality. Can't I enjoy Fall without the candidates following me? Arrggggg! Go AWAY! Yea, I know the election is right around the corner! Yes, you want my vote..but really? Really! Its important bla, de bla, bla BLAAAAAA! Everyone says "oh, just a few more weeks & all this election coverage will be over & we can get back to our normal routines." Ummmm earth to R'tard......after this election...there will be no such thing as "getting back to normal."
Mark my words, after this election this country will be more divided then it has been in a long time. Di-vid-edd-dd. That's not good. There will be an Us against Them mentality that will only heighten as time goes by.

I tried to ask Mr. McCain how he will unite the country. He just told me George Washington had really bad teeth. I asked him how he would protect our country. He showed me his gun.

I tried to have him talk to me about his politics, he just got all shifty eyed & panicky. I then got really frustrated that he wouldn't answer my questions. He just rattled on about "cow knees", Small Pox's & Hippo Ivory. Needless to say, John was not going to answer my questions. Its not that I would believe him anyway. I wouldn't believe Obama either if he showed up in buckskins & flannel.

The frustration was too much to handle. My beautiful Fall day was ruined..RUINED (stomp, stomp, stomp!) There was only one thing to do...I beat myself in the head with these until I went numb.

Although, maybe it was the tazer I was shot w/ that numbed me...or the tranquilizer I was given in the jail cell. Either way, I'm calm now.

Can someone post my bail please?

I just want to thank Mister McCain look alike. He really was sweet & did a great job teaching us about what a frontier man needed as he wanders the land. I do love history & I'm a sucker for a man in buck skins. Please, don't be discouraged that you look a little like McCain. You, my friend are way smarter & cuter then he.


Stacey said...

I'm with you on this one. Don't know whether to vote or not.

AndieF said...

You could be like me - and just not vote. I've decided that I won't spend time learning about the presidential candidates until the popular vote actually decides the election.