Sunday, September 14, 2008

Big steaming piles of crap

I have been reading books to my kiddos ever since they were wee little tad poles. The youngest 2 children get to have a book read to them by Mommy & Daddy...IF Mommy & Daddy are in a good, sober mood. For the most part...we are a reading family.

Tonight I was reading Clifford, the Big Red Dog to my 5 year old. As I was reading about Clifford, the freak of nature that grew from a cute tiny, dying puppy to an overgrown red ball of stinking fur, I got to thinking.....who gets the job of picking up Clifford's steaming pile of dog crap day after day? And where does that poo go?

Just wondering.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

My life would be a much duller place without you in it!! You are loving the blog-JUST ADMIT IT!! IT IS FUN!! Women need women and we need to read about each other's crap. It just makes us happy.