Sunday, September 28, 2008

The "I'm so grateful" post

It's Sunday, yeah, raaa. So now is the perfect time to blog about all my many blessings.
First I must tell you, I am a realist. My thoughts are realistic, not pessimistic. All those sunny, happy, positive people say I'm opposite from them. That I'm a "pessimist". They are wrong & they can all blow their sing-songy optimism out their back side. I'm sure they are all happy to know that even I, "the realist" will take a moment out of my Sunday to think of something wayyyyy positive to write. The reality is we are going to hell in a hand basket. Oh wait....positive.....grateful.....not reality. OK lets try again.
My grateful thought for this day is...................I am grateful that the windows were closed today as I yelled at my darling children.
The neighbors behind me are lovely people. Both parents are highly educated. The Dad works as a professor at the local college. They have 2 children. I never hear them...ever. They speak softly & kindly all the time. My house on the other hand is so loud you'd think we were on fire everyday. We both usually have our windows open. I am horrified when I walk my dog or go out to the weedy patch I like to call a garden & I hear EVERYTHING. My family doesn't have to be yelling for the sound to travel outside. Many times at night, I shut some of the windows & it hits me..."how loud did I yell today & were the neighbors home?" (pretty sad that I have to ask myself HOW many times did I yell instead of DID I yell today)
Yep, Hell is a knock'n.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Yelling, sad. I am sure that my neighbors (most of whom do not have small children) think we are completely, irrevocable, certifiably INSANE! The trick is to not care. Apathy, the new charity.